General Updates

Evo Disconnections? I've been training in Evo world recently and it seems that every time I go there, I get a hard d/c. By this I don't mean simply disconnecting and going to login, I mean my internet just crashes for like 5 seconds and reconnects. During these 5 seconds, any web pages I had open like Pandora or Youtube (anything at all, these are simply examples) will stop working. The weird thing is that it's ONLY when I'm in Evo world. This has happened 4 times now, so I don't really think it's a coincidence. Is anybody else having this, or is it just me?

General Darkknight

Dark Knights and theming So I was recently thinking about Dark Knights and what they stand for, their ambitions, motivations etc. Lore stuff. At the end of the day, they're berzerkers who, with blind fury, demolish everything that would oppose them. So this got me thinking; Where's the indication of this in their skills? We have Dark Impale (angry thrusts for days) and... What else? It doesn't really feel like Dark Knights are living up to their thematic potential. With the RED update, we get a lot closer to this crazy bloodthirsty warmonger that Dark Knights are supposed to be, but it doesn't feel quite there. So I was wondering, would lowering their chance to hit and skyrocketing their damage make them more thematically correct? Provided


Sp on Ds was reset Is there any particular reason why my DS's skill points were reset? I find it strange that this happened, considering I didn't use an SP reset scroll and, to my knowledge, there hasn't been any recent (as in within the past week) major changes to the DS class that would warrant a SP reset. It might have happened to my other characters too, but I have yet to check them. Can anybody explain why this has happened? It's a major drag to have to put ALL 416 skill points back into my DS manually, as well as the other characters that I have that have possibly been affected.


Reinforce Hyper Skills A lot of the passive hyperskills have a "reinforce" option, that increases the damage of the skill by 20%. What I find strange is that in all cases, this increase is 20%, which isn't that much if you consider skills like Assassinate or Snipe. So what I'm wondering is this; Is the increase a flat increase, or is it an increase of the total damage dealt? For example, if I have an ability that does 500% damage in one hit and I get the 20% damage boost, does this increase it to 520% (the flat increase), or does it increase it to 600% (an increase of total damage dealt)?

General Demonslayer

Dark Meta Hyper Skill I was reading the Hyper Skill patch update notes and it said that there was an upgrade for Dark Metamorphosis that allows it to ignore DR. I assume this means that the spining death balls around the DS will no longer cause DR on bosses. What I don't fully understand is the next part; "ignores attack reflect on all attacks for a short time". Does this mean that you activate Dark Meta and it provides resistance to DR for the 20 seconds? I'm assuming so, but I wanted to be clear on how it works before charging in on a DR and dying due to my own ignorance.

General Quests

Does Nexon even realise That they've completely ruined all interest in root abyss by removing the portal? It's now become yet another niche boss area for high level solos and "for the lulz" guild runs. That's not inherently a bad thing, but considering the fact that these were arguably the most interesting bosses (in terms of gameplay mechanisms), it's a real shame to see them going to waste. I'm currently at ch1 root abyss (in Scania no less) and there's one guy here who's afk, when just yesterday we'd see droves of people looking for groups. I usually wouldn't care about this, but it's the fact that these bosses are actually difficult and not just high health high damage pseudo-difficult bosses.


Which bugs do we think will be fixed? With the Azwan patch just around the corner, there are sure to be some bug fixes (and even more likely some additions to the already unbearable list). These can range from simple graphical bugs to fixing the more annoying bugs like Carte Noire not working, or the CWKPQ sigils not working. So which do we think will be fixed? Which do we HOPE will be fixed? Personally I'm hoping for Carte Noire and the Lumiere bugs to be fixed, as well as the issues with Phantoms and Zak prequests.

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