

Ayaba #Chat Talk

General Chat

My friend set fire to the college Actually just one floor So two of my friends were melting plastics as part of a project then one of my friends accidentally used her heat gun to set fire to the fan extractor. Me and my other friend just stood there as she and the technician guy were putting out the flames then we went to the floor above to continue with our stuff as if nothing happened. Nobody got injured though but the workshop was closed off for the rest of the day.. I thought I'd share for a laugh

General Chat

How has everyone been over the past few years? I don't really use BasilMarket anymore, especially since it's not as active as it used to be. Right now, we're all dealing with the pandemic in all sorts of ways, so I thought I'd take the time to see how the MS/Basil community is doing! First and foremost I want to get this off of my chest. Personally I've been taking the time to reflect on many of the things I've done in the past especially when I was a dumb teenager (minor). Recently, I've been looking back and thinking about how immature I was all those years ago. Now I've grown (I'm in my mid-20s now!), trolling, begging endlessly, etc is something I no longer do and in fact shun now (stuff I've done on here as well). I don't want to see a

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