

BlueLight #Gms Talk

General Gms

Bug report- Add Yours So what have you guys have been experiancing while logging to maple? please be pin-point :D these are the few things that I have picked up. [b]PLEASE SUBMIT FIRST-HAND EXPERIANCES![/b] -Future Perion monsters do not drop their monster card -Future Perion monsters drop "filler item" instead of actual equipment -Future Perion monster-park share the same drop issue. -Evolving world summoned knights and Cygnus do not drop items -Evolving world monsters give "fixed" experience -Evolving world cores effect the monsters based on character's level (20x health is over 10 million HP and not 1million as used to be) -Root Abyss : Pierre's background is glitched -Root abyss: Pierre will cause disconnection rando