

Bosnie1996 #Luminous Talk

General Luminous

Luminous Faq Thread So after looking in the forums after a thread dedicated only to FAQ's and with no luck, i now decided to make one(Please inform and link me to the orignal thread if possible). This thread is solely for asking questions concerning your Luminous and nothing in between. So please keep trolling, flaming etc out of here. I will answer all questions to the best of my abilities, but others may step in as well. Take in mind i usally wont be able to answer questions my self between 3pm-11pm PST. EDIT: If any gramatic errors of mine occour, please inform. I will also edit my own answers after i have been proven wrong to get the most correct answers. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: -(By )For a single-body boss (eg. instructors), is Reflecti