

Buster1651 #Thief Talk

General Thief

Making a thief So just pointing this out, I already have an NL but I would like a different thief play style. I've always wanted a shad: Pre bb in 05 I had a bandit level 61. However along the way it was hacked and deleted. So I made an NL but I still want a thief that goes in close especially since NLs are probably the weakest class imo. But I can't choose between a Dual Blade and a Shadower. :/ What would you recommend in terms of fun, funding etc, I heard DBs had to get mastery books before 4th job sooooo that turns me away from them abit. But yeah, I would like a honest and not so biased opinion in choosing a class for me. Why not wait till Red and change my class? Because I still want my NL, I just want a shad or DB too.