


Is everyone misusing the term quotPDRquot? PDR is originated since Big Bang patch, when mob's defense system have changed into % based called PDR and MDR. I always think PDR stands for physical defense rate while MDR stands for magical defense rate. But many people have been saying PDR instead of ignore enemy's defense or ignore monster's defense. I'm not quite sure why. We don't have PDR; I would interpret as mobs doing less damage to player. It makes sense to say Ignore enemy's defense because we are weakening mob's defense thus increase player's damage.


Two seconds spawn rate, good or bad? (Originally I posted this from Official Maple Forums but since it didn't attract readers I decided to copy paste here with some minor editing) Since RED patch, mobs spawn rate was changed from once per 13 seconds into once per 2 seconds. I thought it would be a great thing that it actually boost our experience rate, mobs are spawning fast in Evolution World, people are now able to complete Mu Lung Dojo, and so on. I thought everyone will be happy. But now after couple weeks I found out it may create some disadvantages. The first thing I noticed was people started to train at Hall of Honor instead of Warrior Grounds. It is said by many people that Hall of Honor is now faster if they are in party. I had to

General Darkknight

Final Pacts resurrection is glitched Some of you may heard me on a Dark Knight thread that I unexpectedly died at CPB when hourglass animation disappeared. I decided to do a test at Lilynouch, showing the animation did disappear then I later died. I don't know the conclusion yet, but one time I waited for 50 minutes and I got resurrected, so I think 6 minute cooldown is false. I'm trying to guess the real cooldown time but I have lack of spare time due to training and 2x events xD. My guess is 10 minutes cooldown (without Final Pact - Cooldown Cutter).

General Aran

Dont assume Arans use Skill Bind when they actually didnt I don't have Skill Bind and never used it before, but I've been called Skill Bind user several times lately, even a level 19x said it towards me. A simple thing to say, we have 'Sudden Strike'. it allows us to use Final Charge and Final Toss WITHOUT required combo, and yes they can be spammed (Toss is really fast). If you see any 4th job Arans spamming these skills, do not think they are using Skill Bind and accuse them, it have made me feel annoyed. I think people are confused between Final Charge and 2nd swing. 2nd swing = Hits two times, and Final Charge = Hits one time. The animation color is different too: 2nd swing = Red (without Ice Charge) or Blue (with Ice Charge), and Final