

Cincinna #Mage Talk

General Mage

Four Blaze Wizard Questions Is there a difference between the lion and mermaid fox summons for Fires of creation? Also, does buff duration or summon duration affect the duration of blazing extinction and burning conduit? Another question I have is whether or not % crit rate is what I should be aiming with for my ia. Finally, what is the attack speed on blaze wizards? Would dSI/+1 Attack Speed ia increase my attack speed without a green potion or no? Thanks in advance <3

General Mage

Scrolling cap? and faf staff pc? So, 2 Fafnir Staff questions- First off, I heard there was a scrolling cap of 250 or 256 or something; is this still relevant? With the RED patch, I was thinking of investing in my BaM and using the 8 MATT scrolls on a Fafnir staff, but I wouldn't bother with that if there's no reason to use more than like 7 or 8 of the scrolls and I can hit that much with 50% scrolls :P Second question- how much are Fafnir staffs going for (in Bera) atm anyways? ;o Should I try to buy one now, or wait till RED gets closer before buying one? Thank you <3