


How does 5 starring work? I understand that enhancing provides 1 att for every 50 att before enhancing. So lets say I have a dagger with 147 att and I decide to enhance it. With adding aee's 1 at a time, I would get 147 +2+2+3+3+3 for a total of 160 att. But let's say I use a 5 star scroll on my dagger. Would it be A. Applying 5 stars at one time so that it becomes 147+2+2+2+2+2? In this case, the additional star bonuses after the 2nd are determined by the original attack before 5 starring. or B. Applying 5 stars but recalculating att bonuses for every star so that it becomes 147 +2+2+3+3+3. In this case, the 3rd, 4th, and 5th star bonuses are 3 because after the 2nd star, the attack is 151 and thus bonuses give 3 att due to 1 att for every

General Warrior

Zero Weapon Reset? So I have to admit that I honestly don't understand how Zero's weapon system works. I understand that I can spend 600 WP and 100k to reset my current potential but that is about it. I also understand that at every tenth level up to 170, the weapon is upgraded to be stronger, but what does it mean when it talks about passing down stats? I recently failed a scroll on my weapon and wasted one of the slots, what can I do to get that slot back? Do I just wait till I reach the next tenth level?

General Dualblade

Did I screw up my DB? I have 67 base dex right now at lvl 42. After I looked around on some guides, they said that 40-50 was good for low dex and that 70-90 was for reg dex. The guide had also said that reg dex was highly not recommended. I had already spent some nx on my char and I don't want to restart my db cuz I was able to somehow get to 42 in one day. Is 67 fine? Or should I spend some nx and lower my dex. If so, tell me how much dex I should lower it to. Thank you in advance

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