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testing tofu tags, dont look s testing/editing guild listing [header]What's Bosshunter?[/header] A guild dedicated to the Bosshunters of Bera. The name Bosshunter comes from the specialty Itcg set OMG Bosses! which handed out limited quantities of etc. items called ancient items. These Ancient items can be forged ingame to create The Legendary Bosshunter gear. The story and lore behind the Bosshunter Gear motivated us to create a guild as a symbolic resurrection of those once glorious heroes. Our guild has had many members of the Beran community come and go. From the time of it's creation, we worked together to take down bosses whose power and might far surpassed any one individual. The only thing we keep in mind is to never give up in a bo


Range to finish empress up to v2? Hello all! i'm wondering what ranges would be required or be a bare minimum to finish empress v2 instructors with at least 5min left on the clock. Rough estimates are fine. And if you are able to solo up to empress v2, please feel free to state your class,boss dmg%, ttd%, pdr% , main stat%, etc. I'm looking for how much clean range i should have roughly on the following classes in order to solo v2 empress instructors with at least 5mi on the clock.: DB: Phantom: Shadower:

General Thief

Range to finish empress up to v2? Hello all! i'm wondering what ranges would be required or be a bare minimum to finish empress v2 instructors with at least 5min left on the clock. Rough estimates are fine. And if you are able to solo up to empress v2, please feel free to state your class,boss dmg%, ttd%, pdr% , main stat%, etc. I'm looking for how much clean range i should have roughly on the following classes in order to solo v2 empress instructors with at least 5mi on the clock.: DB: Phantom: Shadower:

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