

Edatron #Hero Talk

General Hero

Does Rage + Enrage stack? So, Post Big Bang, Enrage no longer gives Attack but rather Damage + n%. Does anyone, who has this skill already, know if it can stack with Rage or is it the same as before where Rage would disappear once you cast Enrage. Enrage: Level 1: -14 MP and 10 combo orbs, Damage +2%, Duration 64 sec, Max Enemies Targeted: 1 Level 15: -19 MP and 10 combo orbs, Damage +30%, Duration 120 sec, Max Enemies Targeted: 1 Level 30: -24 MP and 10 combo orbs, Damage +60%, Duration 180 sec, Max Enemies Targeted: 1 Also, any Heros out there, what do you recommend maxing out next, seeing as I'm close to 140 and going to already finish maxing Advanced Combo Attack?

General Hero

Does Rage + Enrage stack? So, Post Big Bang, Enrage no longer gives Attack but rather Damage + n%. Does anyone, who has this skill already, know if it can stack with Rage or is it the same as before where Rage would disappear once you cast Enrage. Enrage: Level 1: -14 MP and 10 combo orbs, Damage +2%, Duration 64 sec, Max Enemies Targeted: 1 Level 15: -19 MP and 10 combo orbs, Damage +30%, Duration 120 sec, Max Enemies Targeted: 1 Level 30: -24 MP and 10 combo orbs, Damage +60%, Duration 180 sec, Max Enemies Targeted: 1 Also, any Heros out there, what do you recommend maxing out next, seeing as I'm close to 140 and going to already finish maxing Advanced Combo Attack?

General Hero

Brandish +1 on Reverse Okay, do a little while ago I was training at Skeles to level my sword and myself as well. My Reverse Nibleheim leveled to Max and gained a +1 Brandish and +1 Blast. Basically what it does is give +1 SP on Brandish. So my question is if I should just leave my Brandish at 29, since I gain +1 Brandish from my sword OR if I max Brandish at 30, will there be some sort of special level 31 Brandish only available when the Reverse sword gives +1 Brandish? The question seems dumb, but I'm asking anyways since when I un-equip my sword, the extra +1 SP for Brandish comes off as well.