GazimoEnthra #General Talk


How was your x2 today? Clearly a lot of people have had their x2 end before it even began. They're just finding out about x2, and now it's too late for them to get a map. How was your x2? How is it going so far? Or are you from Windia and simply have no x2 at all? Personal opinion: Nexon should give out untradeable, one of a kind, x2 drop and experience "coupons" at the start of each "x2 Weekend" Players will be able to use the coupons at their discretion. This will prevent the massive lag, crashing, ksing, and stress that have begun to characterize our x2 events.


How People CAN Get Hacked I just conclusively proved that Nexon does not encrypt their passwords when people log in. Using a program, two laptops, and the same wi-fi network, I was able to catch my own password and ID, along with several of my friends' passwords. It is not encrypted in any way, meaning it is in PLAIN TEXT. Just like what Sony used to do. So if you have ever been playing in a public network and been hacked, it could easily be from this. I can give the program name if a mod gives me the greenlight. It's not illegal, and is made by Microsoft. It DOES NOT capture your PIC. Thoughts? Word of advice: When using a public wi-fi network, do NOT log into anything. Any information you use can be captured this way. Almost all info is e


The time after the Server Check How many people have been hacked since then? Last night 4 people in my alliance and 7 on my buddy list were completely cleaned out. Only 2 of them were on the "list". They're all quitting, as they all lost 10 bil + of items and are all 15x+. Normally I would attribute this to them being careless, but all in one night is just comment below if people you know have been hacked since the past server check. This is just strange. In every case, the person had items from only one character taken (the highest level one) along with items from characters in Scania. All nx was used to buy something lame, such as arrows through the MTS. Untradeable items were left alone, as were items in the storage.


How you CAN be hacked. Please go to the official thread: A recent hack was released that allows hackers to learn your account ID via the MTS. And having your ID makes it WAY too easy to hack you. Just wanted to explain in part why so many people are being hacked. So change you pw's frequently Basil. I'm VERY sorry that I cannot provide proof, I do not want this thread locked for "discussing hacks". I do not want to cause a panic either. Just trying to inform Basilers. If you doubt my credibility just read through the comments and decide for yourself. Newer information indicates that you must have MTS items on sale for you to be vulnerable. So...protect yourselves. Edit: Credits to "Your ID is provided if you have an item in M

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