GekkeGerrit #Updates Talk

General Updates

So i am 200, and now ? I dont know what the english saying is for the dutch "the groot voor het servet, te klein voor het tafellaken" Translated its something like "the big for the napkin, to small for the tablecloth". Let me eleborate. My 200 Shade, around 200k range has two kinds of training grounds, very easy, or impossible. SDH and Kritias are easy for me to train. But (matter of taste i guess) i find the Kritias monsters and maps plain ugly so i never train there. So just SDH for a little exp and drop. Then bossing. does there excist a range list of all the bosses in game ? For me its daily Normal Zak (Chaos takes so much more time and the rewards are hardly better), Normal Hilla (never tried Hard Hilla, should i, i