GodOfSparks #Art Talk

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The journey of Ulyssus, chapter One.(Unfinished) ( draft) *Hi if there is any changes i can make plz tell me, ty. :) *I didn't finish it too. :O *PLZ d'ont say anything useless. Good readding.... The Journey of Ulyssus, Hello, my name is Ulyssus and I’m 12 years old and I’m going to be a magician. I live in Henesey and I have a brother. He’s name is Yserus and he’s a Brawler. Before, I wanted to be one too but living out on the sea… I didn’t really like it. At home, I was always reading big books the whole day so Yserus said I could be a good magician so I followed his advice. I am now prepared to leave, I put my little knife and the money my brother gave me im my bag and I went towards the taxi. “Where do you want to go, kid?