

General Merch

Back to Ms after 2 years? Need P/c please Hi, I recently came back to MS (Scania). The game is so different now, so I would like to sell everything I have for a decent (low) price. Please help me P/C or estimate the worth of these items. I rather start back the game with little to no equips and just a bunch of useless mesos. Thanks! - Beryl Suit (Female) [Epic/2 lines] - Beryl Boots [Epic/2 lines] - Shark Tooth Skipper Coat [Epic/3 lines] [Dex 6%/INT 3%/Avoid 3%] -Shark Tooth Skipper Gloves [Epic/2 lines] - Pinnacle Cape - Pinnacle Ring - Pinnacle Pendant - Pinnacle Belt - Pinnacle Epaulettle - Tsukuyomi's Epaulet [Rare/3 lines]

General Art

I will doodle you Welcome to my doodle world~ Please post below one statement (anything like your favorite color, animals, likes, dislikes, etc.), and I will doodle you! And after I had drew you, a small reply of your reaction or gratitude would be nice! :) [b]The Book of MapleStory Doodles:[/b] [url=http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x102/SkyIsNotAlwaysBlue/MapleDoodlesPage1.jpg]Page 1:[/url] [url=http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x102/SkyIsNotAlwaysBlue/MapleDoodlesPage2.jpg]Page 2:[/url] [url=http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x102/SkyIsNotAlwaysBlue/c044e816-3fa3-414b-a6a8-8797c55914ab.jpg]Page 3:[/url] [url=http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x102/SkyIsNotAlwaysBlue/Screenshot_2013-08-30-20-22-27.png]Page 4[/url] [url=http://i180.photo

General Corsair

I am confused So I'm reading the guide on Basilmarket on how to add my Outlaw since all my SP were restored. I am currently level 103, Outlaw. I maxed out everything on my 3rd Job Skill Book, except I have a level 1 on both Blunderbuster and Blackboot Bill. I read how people debate between maxing out Blunderbuster or Blackboot, that is why I added my skills backward cause I couldn't decide which to max. But the main question is, why do I have 41 SP left? I think 41 SP is more than I should be having since maxing out Blunderbuster and Blackboot Bill, I would need only 19 SP each. 19 + 19 = 38, so where did the extra SP came from and what to do with them? Edit: Okay.. turns out I should have already gotten my 4th job. 4TH JOB? I thought 4th J

General Art

I'll draw you. :D Who wants to see my doodle in Paint? :D I'm really slow... T~T [[Please check back to see a doodle of you! x3]] 1. [url=http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x102/SkyIsNotAlwaysBlue/AndyBeoulve.jpg]AndyBeoulve (Your hair is hard to draw. T~T)[/url] 2. [url=http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x102/SkyIsNotAlwaysBlue/AznballerxD.jpg]AznballerxD (Drawing like this easier. xD)[/url] 3. [url=http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x102/SkyIsNotAlwaysBlue/SkySlingerxo.jpg]SkySlingerxo (Sorry, i changed so much from how you originally looked like. :()[/url] 4. [url=http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x102/SkyIsNotAlwaysBlue/YouArouseMe.jpg]YouArouseMe (I really enjoy drawing you. x3)[/url] 5. [url=http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x102/Sk

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