

HoboBoxess #Aran Talk

General Aran

How well do Arans flow? I hate to be the guy to come in and ask how a class is, but really, how are Arans? When they first came out I got mine to about 95 (preBB) and got hacked. When I came back I returned to my Shadower. They took combos out? Like literally? I remember before Dawnveil, people were saying they were just hardhitting and really slow. I don't really care for damage as I loved Aran's style so much, but did removing combos and all that just ruin the class? Also could some Arans post their damage ranges and tell how much they hit per line?

General Aran

How well do Arans flow? I hate to be the guy to come in and ask how a class is, but really, how are Arans? When they first came out I got mine to about 95 (preBB) and got hacked. When I came back I returned to my Shadower. They took combos out? Like literally? I remember before Dawnveil, people were saying they were just hardhitting and really slow. I don't really care for damage as I loved Aran's style so much, but did removing combos and all that just ruin the class? Also could some Arans post their damage ranges and tell how much they hit per line?