

How2Mob #Chat Talk

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Inspiration for everything I came across this video a few minutes ago and I think a lot of people need to see it. It's one of the most inspirational things I've ever seen; it's not one of those kids that survived cancer or anything of that sort. You should especially focus on the narrative because that increases the impact of the video exponentially. This is the video ;;set_size=1 [b]Added a youtube link:[/b] I can predict that there's going to be atleast one person with the temptation to comment with something racially derogatory in this thread so if you plan to, please don't. After watching this video, it's really inspired me to work a lot harder and really changed my outlook on a lot of things. It could very easily be one of the defining

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Why Americans are so hilarious. So last night I turned on the news and saw people cheering about Osama's death. This morning they were saying how it's justification for his plot (unless you believe in some conspiracy theories, that of course actually have strong evidence, saying that it was framed on him and he was forced to accept it), and that over 3000 people died in 9-11. I of course felt sorry for the people that lost family and friends in 9-11, but then it dawn on me.... Over three thousand people died in 9-11 and it was not only a national tragedy but also a tragedy for humanity. (The Government doesn't really care about the people that died, they cared more about the threat of having the rest of the country becoming targeted, more s

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Are you really an Atheist? I've seen a lot of people saying that they were Atheists but... they don't really seem like it. They seem more like Agnostics or Anti-Theists. Same goes for a lot of Theists, they just associate any questioning of religion/God with being Atheist. For those of you that do not know, I'll put the definitions below. [b]Agnostic[/b]: A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God. [b]Theist[/b]: One who believes in the existence of a god or gods. [b]Atheist[/b]: someone who denies the existence of god. [b]Anti-Theist[/b]: Antitheism (sometimes anti-theism) is active opposition

General Chat

What are your fave documentaries? I've been watching a lot of documentaries lately. I've pretty much racked up a list of over 100 of them that I want to watch. Rather than just watching them in any random order, I'd like to know what documentaries you guys really liked? I'm a liberal-atheist (just incase that might help you find a good one to suggest). Some of my faves (that I suggest all of you watch because they're really good, especially the first 2). *The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream *Capitalism: A Love Story *Bill Maher's Religulous *Bin War's *War on Our World *Philosophy and the Matrix: Return to the Source *Cosmos: A Personal Voyage *Debtocracy Those are just a few of the ones that I've watch