

IImaplers #Chat Talk

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If Temple Run was a live action movie. it would star Tom Cruise (because he runs like an idiot in all of his movies), being chased by Sarah Jessica Parker. No seriously, it would make a good movie. It just needs him hunting for treasure and some crazy plot and it could work. Maybe he should travel back in time to 1998 and steal Jackie Chan to become his mentor and teach him how to slide through holes in trees and make sharp turns. edit: anyways, my best score is 8.5 million. What's yours? [b]:[/b]3

General Chat

If Temple Run was a live action movie. it would star Tom Cruise (because he runs like an idiot in all of his movies), being chased by Sarah Jessica Parker. No seriously, it would make a good movie. It just needs him hunting for treasure and some crazy plot and it could work. Maybe he should travel back in time to 1998 and steal Jackie Chan to become his mentor and teach him how to slide through holes in trees and make sharp turns. edit: anyways, my best score is 8.5 million. What's yours? [b]:[/b]3

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Correlation between maple and deteriorating grammar/spelling I'm sure I'm not the only one to notice this but it seems like playing maple coincides with becoming dumber. Cases in point: "When I hitted lvl 200" (Really? You hitted it? I'd hitted it too.) "How does enchancement scroll work" (It works when magical fairy pixies come and enchant you with their pity due to your stupidity) "B> 8 anneversity items" (anniversary + university = anneversity?, Too bad you probably never went to a reputable university.) And it's not just the above. I noticed that I make a lot more spelling mistakes when I type now than when I first started the game. In konklushun, do you agree? edit1: [quote=EatsBrains]Despite GMS being

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How do you handle agressive panhandlers? In a lot of the areas I frequent, there's panhandlers all over the place. Some are a lot more hostile and annoying than others. Here's a few notable cases with me: Incident #1: Guy asks for money. I reply "No" before he even finishes his sentence (his reasons are that he needs money for a bus ticket, that's been his reasons multiple times; there's an ATM a few steps away), because I know he is a fake homeless man and not worth my hard-earned money. He purposely asks people for money when he sees that they are in unoccupied areas. Talk about a sick one. Result: dude gets pissed off and we nearly have a fist fight. Incident #2: Another guy asks for money with similar reasons but this guy is a

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Pro in Ms equals crappy life in reality? Back when I played MS, it ruined my life outside the game the better I got at it and the more I spent playing it. I slowly got out of shape, my college grades deteriorated as well as my job becoming harder with MS as a distraction; I had no friends outside of the game (thank god for the in-game friends though because they were truly the silver lining in this whole debacle, and I'm still great friends with them.). But other than friendship with people who I'll never meet in person, this game ruined my life. What about you guys?

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How to deal with family member going to jail A family member went to jail. Sure they had it coming and probably deserve it, but I feel like I should help in some way only because they are a family member. Should I help? This is a very complicated situation because we haven't been close (physically or otherwise) for years as well. But now that the news is here that they went to jail, I feel like I have some kind of obligation to help at least a little bit. Should I help, and if I can, how? What would you do in my situation? edit: I should add that they weren't a good family member either and never really gave a crap about the family; if that makes any difference.

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Obamacare seems to be terrible for the working class I don't see much positives with Obamacare. I mean, doesn't having it mean the working class would have to pay billions more in taxes to finance it? Doesn't it mean premiums/co-pays/deductibles will skyrocket? Doesn't it mean people who are unemployed (including those who want to keep being unemployed/education-less/non-seniors) can mooch the system and now get health benefits they haven't had before? Why should the middle class help the lower class portion of people who have mooched off the government? Obama speaks about giving the lower class more opportunity for the "American Dream" but a good portion of the lower class does not care for opportunity. There's ALREADY tons of op

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Why did Solange Hurt Jay-Z? Possible explanations: He said "I got 99 problems but your ugly face makes it 100". He called her a derogatory name. He said Solange is a poor man's Beyonce. He stole her cocaine? He mistook her for Beyonce and grabbed her boob or something like that? The elevator is haunted by past members of Destiny's Child and Solange got possessed by one of them? He said "only Billionaires allowed on the elevator. Sorry Solange you noob" He said "It's a Hard Knock Life", to which Solange responded 'I'll show you what hard knocks are.' Solange decided that Jay-Z was the one for her... to punch and kick. Solange wanted to know how much bigger Jay-Z's giant-ass lips can swell up to.

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Donald Sterling banned from Nba and fined 2.5 million Source: Donald Sterling was banned from the NBA and will probably be losing millions for being a racist. Does the punishment fit the crime? I'm not too sure that it does. And is it even a crime to begin with? I wouldn't call it that (make no mistake however, if you see Sterling's history, he is seemingly guilty of real crimes). I mean, the NBA knew he was a racist scumbag of a person well before this whole recorded debacle thing happened. And only now they choose to take action. Seems like a knee-jerk reaction. And what about the fact that his supposed mistress was of African-American descent? Why would he say something against black people, when the person he was even telling it to was

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