


Ban appleals today Are they still taking ban appeals on Thursdays? Heres a Chat log from 12/16/2013 [04:26 PM] GM Jesupi: No, right now, Wednesdays are the days that ban appeals are taken [04:27 PM] casper ***: oh. okay last time i was talking to a GM they had told me they made an exception for Thursdays. but thank you for your input [04:28 PM] casper ***: i only wanted to reconfirm this. thankyou very much! [04:28 PM] GM Jesupi: I can take a look into your account however, if you'd like. [04:28 PM] casper ***: please, i had missed on recent events that i was looking forward to [04:28 PM] GM Jesupi: Alright. One moment please. [04:30 PM] GM Jesupi: Looks like your account was caught up in the mass item dup that occurred this past week [04:3


lol whut? typo please Some one tell me this is incorrect please. :3 Spark sells: Evolution Sunglasses: ATT INCREASE +96, REQ LEV 80, STR +5, DEX +5, INT +5, LUK +5, MaxHP +125, MaxMP +125, WEAPON ATTACK +1, MAGIC ATTACK +1, WEAPON DEF +60 MAGIC DEF +60, 3 AVAILABLE UPGRADES, POTENTIAL Evolution Piercing: ATT INCREASE +96, REQ LEV 80, STR +5, DEX +5, INT +5, LUK +5, MaxHP +125, MaxMP +125, WEAPON ATTACK +1, MAGIC ATTACK +1, WEAPON DEF +80, MAGIC DEF +80, ACCURACY +30, AVOIDABILITY +30, 5 AVAILABLE UPGRADES, POTENTIAL, 30 DAYS Evolution Badge: ATT INCREASE +260, REQ LEV 80, STR +10, DEX +10, INT +10, LUK +10, MaxHP +200, MaxMP +200, WEAPON ATTACK +3, MAGIC ATTACK +3, ACCURACY +30, AVOIDABILITY +30, 30 DAYS Meister Shoulder: ATT INCREASE +676,

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