

ItzATrapp #Chat Talk

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Understanding this womans actions If you read this post, this is basically a continuation of that. So things have progressed and we're not ignoring each other or anything. Actually, everything was pretty fast paced since we met. We met at a friend's bbq, then we basically hung out an entire week without going home, sleeping out at friend's houses and other places. After the drunken night as depicted in the other thread above, she seemed a lot closer to me. I honestly cannot read her hints because we had a discussion about flings and stuff, and she made it sound like it was a fling. However, later she was cuddling up on me, and while we were at a friend's house, my friend told me that he thinks that she likes me because she keeps trying to g

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Girls And Eye Contact So what exactly is the mystery behind all of this? My friend and I were talking about it because, interestingly enough, I was on the bus the other day, and I found myself engaging myself multiple times in eye contact with this cute asian girl sitting down the aisle. I honestly don't know who looked at who first, as I tend to look around a lot when I'm on the bus, and I also have a keen sense of when people are looking at me, so it seems like the eye contact happen simultaneously. I don't really understand what eye contact means because it happens frequently enough yet I'm still clueless so I stopped worrying, but my friend tells me that when he makes eye contact with a girl that he thinks is cute, he remembers it very

General Chat

Its become all weird after she knows Help? To start it off, I just met this girl 2 weeks ago. but we kicked it off really nicely, and even spent the entire week out just the two of us, crashing at friend's places and such. My friend's told me that they think she likes me because she was always trying to get close to me, and sleeping on my shoulder and stuff. I'm REALLY shy so it was hard for me to reciprocate this, but I tried my best! We went to a party and got drunk, and almost hit a home run, but we didn't, but ever since that day, we were making out like every other day at night. Now here's where it goes downhill. I'm really shy, and sometimes I saw things I don't mean, or word things in a way which probably isn't for the best. Anyways

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What does it mean if a girl does this? So, I'm sort of a noob outside of a relationship because at least inside one, you can ask and figure out what's going on as opposed to this situation because we're not in anything like that. I guess I will never be doing anything like this, but at the time, we were both under the influence of alcohol, her more so than me. The party was coming to a close, and all the hosts were asleep. She was rushing everyone who was still awake to go asleep. I thought she was just trying to be a good host, because she was the host's sister after all. Anyways, when we were finally in bed, she started kissing me, biting me, and you know all the things, and that really took me by surprise, but hey, we were both drunk and

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My Ex Is Crazy. It's been atleast half a year since me and my ex broke up. However she's threatening me with things like, "I'm going to tell my parents and your parents everything about us!" and just try to ruin my life in general with I don't even know what, and she's even trying to pull the "I'm pregnant" line and I don't even know where the hell that's coming from because me and her never... well you get the point. Although me and my ex's relationship was never really stable, there were bad points where i did bad things and made bad choices, and so did she. She's also very good at manipulating people and twisting the truth, so I'm worried about what she's got to say to my parents and her own, especially because she's

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Being called a nice guy So guys, what is your opinion on being called a "nice guy"? And Ladies why do you do this to us... :3 For me, I feel strange when I get called a nice guy because I feel like it's kind of a hidden insult, or it's them telling us that we're a doormat o.o The last time I got called a nice guy, I met this new friend in the mall, and when i got to know her, I said, "It was nice getting to know you!" and I get the dreaded, "Yeah, you seem like a nice guy!" >.< And it seems to happen with every girl I meet... :~(

General Chat

Problematic Situation with a Girl So, I'm sort of in this dilemma with this girl. I like her, and I think she may like me, too. However, she's not looking for a relationship because she says they get sticky, and she wants to enjoy being single because her past relationships got kinda sticky because she is kind of a tomboy, and her past bfs didn't like that she hung out with guys a lot. However, she does seems to have some flings going around, and while she was trying to kiss me and stuff quite a few times, I wasn't going to let her get a home run with me, even though we got pretty close. She told me she hopes I'm not falling for her, and I lied and said, of course not, I hope you're not falling for me, in which she basically didn't give me