

Kaife #Aran Talk

General Aran

The Aran and PVP It's sad but Arans tbh aren't cut out for PVP in comparison to other classes. :/ The delay + lag + an Aran = smh Having less HP than normal warrior classes(which is fine but since we have combo drain but..) then losing the foundation that is Aran(their 3x speed modifier taken out that equals or overcomes the power of those of other warriors..) The highest score I've gotten on my Aran was 300+ pts(Team Battle). I've been getting killed by Paladins, Shadowers, Dual Blades and Nightlords left and right. I'm either in one of the last 3 places of a 6 person team. Do I just suck? Geez. :/ /end Rage Hate shield STATUS: On EDIT: For people who don't know: Combo Smash = 10 Combos(In PVP) Fenrir = 20 Combos(In PVP) Combo Drain = 15 C