


The Maplestory Economy Atm Maplestory has a pure capitalistic economy. The absolute best kind of economy for those who want to make money. More opportunity to make cash, but at the expense of the noob/unfunded/refusal to buy NX citizens. How would you feel if Nexon decided to move Maplestory away from a purely capitalist economy? As in they placed more regulations on what can be bought/sold, how many of a certain item can be bought an sold, where prices can be set, etc. They would also crack down on dupers. Also how would you feel if they increased taxes on trade and instituted a lottery system (no NX required of course) from the increased taxes? The winner would not receive the full lottery, that would cause an upset, they'd rather receive


People who say Omg There Are X Amount Of Threads Like This Why do you do it? What are you accomplishing? I mean really for every 1 thread that is similar to another there are at least 20 comments saying "WTF MAN WHY'D YOU MAKE THIS?" or "STUPID MORON DONT YOU LOOK TO SEE IF THREADS LIKE THIS EXIST?" You're doing exactly what you're persecuting people for doing, so aren't you just as bad? If you're tired of seeing multiple threads then only comment in the first one that was made and the others will die. IS THAT SO HARD? I'm look for a definitive answer as to why people feel the need to say there are threads like the one that was made. To all you smartass commenting "This will totally help" I never set out to hel

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