

General Bowman

I've noticed a pattern when I talk about BMs. Whenever I talk about Bow Master skills, like Hurricane, FA, Concentrate, SE, BE, *enter the rest of the skill names here because I'm too lazy*, or when I just talk about BMs in general, I always get really pumped up. xD When that happens, no matter what I'm doing on the computer, I [i]must[/i] hop on Maple to play my BM. I think it's because before playing a BM, I was never excited to play any other class. I've played NLs, Bishs, DBs, Arans, DrKs, I/Ls, so on and so forth; My attitude was always, "Meeeeh" for how I'd feel about the playing those classes (F/Ps, which are my second favorite class fyi, but that's another story). Mind you that my BM isn't exactly well funded compared to e