

LittleTLK #General Talk


Scania All-Beginner BPQ [b]UPDATE 2[/b]: Lag has subsided. We'll try it. [b]UPDATE[/b]: The event has been cancelled due to massive server lag. It'll be impossible to complete, therefore, I'm calling it off. WE may do it later tonight if the lag is fixed. I'm going to be hosting an all beginner BPQ in Scania within this month. So far we have a few people that have signed up, but we need a date for within this month. So far: LittleTLK Elliminatecl HauntedRyou FiimPhoto Photographe NubKnightZ NewbSlice Cowbelle InsurancePlz NewbsSword UmEnployed NoobGodKing Have signed up. Post in the comments a time that's good for you. I'll be recording it, too. Saturday the 22nd or Saturday the 15th are dates I had in mind.


Everday Endeavor Class Matchmaking Thread Let's make a thread and find people in our server with level 150+ characters to complete this quest. Bonus points for rare classes. I'll start. I'm in Broa and I have a 150+ battlemage, bishop, JETT, hero, paladin, bucc, dawn warrior, and blaze wizard. I don't mind partying anyone that needs it. I need to find a Jett in Broa that's 150+ for myself if anyone could help me out. Just find me in Broa. You can use my players page to track me down. I'll try to be on my battlemage mostly.


Game is unplayable for 2x Ever since they brought back up the game after the outage, I've had severe problems staying connected to the game. My client freezes, crashes, heavy server-side lag, and just closes. I cannot stay online during 2x events and I keep wasting evo runs and MPE runs as well as 2x coupons form sengoku event and monster purge. Is anyone else experiencing these problems? I can't take advantage of this "compensation" for the servers being out because the servers are too unstable for me. Checking the server status seems to show constant downtime for many server channels.


A Chance Meeting of the White Lady of Perion Upon an afternoon most droll while in Perion, taking a stroll, I did by chance meet a Lady in White. She was all clad in the color of snow, and she did emit and unworldly glow. And I must say she gave me quite a fright! "I beg your pardon, miss" said I as she turned and caught my eye. "But would you mind telling me your name?" And from her lips did come nothing sane. I lagged and froze and clicked in vain, as she used her mysterious powers to kick me off the game. One picture before I did take of that fair lass And saw that she had no name, fame, or class. "I must know more of her!" I said as I searched for her once more. High and low I searched for the girl in white


LittleTLK Level 120 Up In case the message got lost in the other thread, I made a thread with it as the main topic. I'll be leveling up to 120 tonight. I've moved the time to 8 pm CST (9 EST, 6 PST) tonight (10/11/2011) in ch 13, Sophillia's Bedroom 1 in the Haunted House. If you don't know how to get there, don't worry. I'll be waiting outside the house to guide you guys there. It's an empty room and it's my hangout when I afk now. [url=]video[/url]


Jobless Classes Classifications This thread is basically to list the jobless classes out there and their classifications as well as their strong and weak points. Its purpose is primarily to educate those not familiar with this branch of maplestory. Its secondary purpose to to properly categorize our ever-expanding class list and to put in perspective what it means to be "jobless." This list is subject to change as more information becomes available. Important Note: [b]As much fun as it is to create new jobless classes, especially ones like hayato, it should be noted that creation of classes through glitches and programming oversight increase the visibility of the glitches and oversights that make them possible. In other words, the


Fan-made Gigantic Maplestory Overhaul Revamp Everything [b]Giant Maple Re-Imagination![/b] [i]Note: I am WELL AWARE of Nexon Korea's recent changes to the game that includes some of the content presented here. Please keep in mind that I have been working on this revamp for MONTHS. I was working on this revamp shortly after Maplestory unlimited was revealed in KMS. Please keep this in mind that it's purely coincidence that many of these changes are now being implemented into the actual game (including level cap increase, Cygnus knight revamp, meso increase, ect). With all of that said, please also keep in mind that I had Maplestory Unlimited in mind when making this revamp and borrow heavily from it, especially in the boss changes area. I ma

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