LokiTheStrange #Anime Talk

General Anime

So Orphaned iron blood Gundam It's like bad Gurren Lagann, I don't really like the characters, the zakus look weird, and the main Gundam has way too thin of a waist [url=http://dzt1km7tv28ex.cloudfront.net/u/617710064941137920_35s_d.jpg] It's like a toothpick[/url] The main character has silly name... Mikazuki sounds like Mecha-Zuki, which makes me think his real name is just Zuki, but they puch Mecha infront of it because he pilots a robot (IE MECHA-SHIVA or MECHA-ZAWA) I did like the old guy in the Zaku, representing the honor of the old gundams or whatever. A shame he died so quickly.

General Anime

What anime be this? One of the guys infront of me in class today was watching an anime, and I am wondering what it is :/ So there's a bunch of little girls on this airplane carrier thingy, but they don't have pants or skirts on... Then like they get missile legs,and start flying around and one of them had an eye patch. But then it turns out it was really an eye patch I guess, since she just took it off and she had two eyes o.o Also they get animal ears... sometimes. Then they went to school or something, and there were more little girls with no pants on (The creator of this anime must really hate pants). And there was a training montage filled with pantsu shots... but like maybe the school was still on a giant boat or something, not really

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