

LordofSky #Bowman Talk

General Bowman

My own veiw on WH's So to try the new resistance content, I decided to make a Wild hunter to see if they are actualy as overpowered as people say they are. Currently, my Wild hunter is about level 70'ish, I noticed training is going fast mainly because of the low exp rates and the mobility of the wild hunter. Here are some pro's and cons that I found. Pro's -------- WH's are very fast no doubt Thier skills are very diverse They get a mini strafe in 1st job They get to summon mobs and freak out noobs and annoy hene-hoes in Ch1 They get double jump like a 3rd job thief And their damage is great, but not too much greater than anything else, in fact the difference in damage when comparing with other jobs is hardly noticable. They get blind in 3