

Mantis561 #Fun Talk

General Fun

Every Basiler Here Quote as many basilers you can i c u where u at? where's zoneflare? i rekt ur ship. u happy? gimme wut ur smoking what happened to ? what happened to ? nobody likes you i dont like raccoons as much as you you're barely in the chat section your threads are the proof of your insanity who are you again? ummm clowns are scary where u at m8? rito pls stop plz reply (not usually on chat section) it's ok it's ok no (not usually on chat section) (not usually on chat section) (not usually on chat section) (not usually on chat section) (not usually on chat section)

General Fun

Proof that Obama is a Chicken .esiugsid ni nekcihc a si amabO kcaraB ,EROFEREHT .setatS detinU eht fo tnediserp eht si amabO kcaraB .setatS detinU eht ni setats 05 era erehT .etats a si sttesuhcassaM .sttesuhcassaM ni si TIM .egelloc a si TIM .egelloc ot tnew reven eH .tfosorciM detaerc setaG lliB .tfosorciM yb thguob yltnecer saw gnajoM .gnajoM yb depoleved si tfarceniM .tfarceniM ni dnuof eb nac sevaC .sevac ni dnuof eb nac enotS .enots fo tuo edam eb nac sllaW .anihC ni si anihC fO llaW taerG ehT .aisA ni si anihC .tnenitnoc a si aisA .tnenitnoc a si acirfA .acirfA ni evil stnahpelE .srae gib evah stnahpelE .srae gib sah esuom yekciM .yensiD rof tocsam rojam eht si esuoM yekciM .dnalyensiD ni ecalp a si teertS niaM .senam evah snoiL .sno