

Pashmimi #Chat Talk

General Chat

Help with potential friend issues EDIT: I edited the names. The first comments will be confusing to other people, so Z is Martha, K is Rose, and M is Donna. First of all, I am sure that there is at least 1 person who plays Maplestory from my school, so I'm not going to use any of their real names. So keep in mind when you see the names "Rose," "Martha," and "Donna," that I don't conveniently have friends who have the same names as the Doctor's companions. Sorry. Second of all, I don't think I'm going to get any serious answers because this sounds like "typical teenage drama," but I really don't know what to do, so I'm doing this anyways. So during lunch, I sit with a group of around 11 nerdy people (i

General Chat

How flexible are you? I always see threads about how much people lift, but I never see anything about being flexible! After taking dance for 4~5 years, I've forgotten how flexible the average person is... Sometimes I'll be doing something, and my friends will tell me "STOP DOING THAT, you're making me feel bad!" So, how flexible are you? Can you bend over and touch your toes with straight legs? Or the ground? Approximately how far can you lift your leg off the ground (in degrees)? Things like that.