Pheonixsblaze #Anime Talk

General Anime

Seeking a manga or oneshot I forgot about Usually I record and track everything I read. However, there was a one shot (or manga) I don't have recorded because I began it before I started recording. My memory about it is a bit hazy, but I'll try to list as much as I know. Spoilers may be listed as I am not sure of the end any more. -A girl and boy are the main characters. Other characters make a very small impact and are likely unnamed. -The boy has a bandana and a cap. I think he also has a bike. The girl and he use it together. -The boy does what the girl tells him to do. He is violent towards others when told to be by the girl. He goes as far as murder if I remember correctly. -The boy loves the girl, but one of the main points of the sto