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What is the meaning of these two sources? For school The first source is a quote "In a world where your purchases have more influence then your political vote, it is imperative that you take all factors into consideration before pulling out your wallet." The second source is a picture I have a school assignment and I understand what these two sources are trying to say but i would like some more perspective on them as it will help me with my assignment. Thank you in advance


Getting back into maple So im getting back in to maple when shade is released i always loved the pirates that used knuckles. So i left around march and i do now know what happened during the last updates (rising heros and shade release update) I already went through the notes on the official website but i cant really process all that information, Can you guys help simplify the main things that happened during those updates? I dont need any event information Just main game changes, like i noticed there are these rune things and that elite monsters and stuff, But i dont know alot about them. Thanks EDIT: I also dont know anything about the legacy of nine update.


How should i do this? So mage chaos root abyss pants are about 1.5 billion mesos, I currently have the hat and the top already and 700mil mesos. I want to get the 3 set car at least. And i almost have enough coins for a superior gollux ring. Im thinking should i sell the ring to get the money for the chaos root abyss mage pants or should i just use the ring myself? Im leaning towards selling the superior gollux ring but I'm not sure. Also is there something else i should do instead? I am also in windia of that matters

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