Satoshi1234 #Dualblade Talk

General Dualblade

Dual Blade Reconstruction: Part 2 (updated) [header] [/header][header]Update 12.01.10: Reconstruction part 2 (kMST 1.2.355). Some skills changed. Will be noted by a little "~" beside the edit. Use CTRL + F to find changes.[/header][header] [/header] EDIT: Changed the CTRL + F thing from "*" to "~" to make changes easier to find, as other random things kept popping up. (i'm surprised no one commented about that o.o") EDIT2: Changed the headers slightly, to make things more fancy/organized-looking. Videos (Part 1) [*][url=]Thank you, Hanate and Lejendus for the link[/url] [*][url=

General Dualblade

Dual Blade Reconstruction changes [header]Update 12.01.10: Reconstruction part 2. Some skills changed. Will be noted by a little "*" beside the edit. Use CTRL + F to find changes.[/header] EDIT: Changed "Vital Steel" to "Vital Steal". It makes more sense. Thanks PrettyBoyTom XD EDIT2: Cleared up the Chains of Hell misunderstanding. IT HAS A 100% CRIT RATE. Thanks to all those who said "woot 100% crit" and things like that XD EDIT3: Video time! [*][url=]Thank you, Hanate and Lejendus for the link[/url] [*][url=]Thank you, hv002 for the link[/url] [*][