

SheepPB #Updates Talk

General Updates

Help me choose after BB So I was planning on making a "ultimate adventurer" or whatever that may be. I was planning on getting a blazewizard to 120 quickly and doing that. However, I still cannot pick between these three jobs: Cleric/Priest/Maybe Bishop, Gunsling/Outlaw/Not likely Corsair, or warrior. Does BB affect cleric/priest/bishops? Does BB affect gunsling/outlaw? Ik it affects warrior, but if you recomend warrior, tell me what class and why. If you recomend cleric/priest/bishop, tell me why. If you recomend gunsling/outlaw, tell me why. WHAT DO YOU RECOMEND? (: BE VERY SPECIFIC! PS: I already made a poll today, so please just write it in your comment. Thanks for reading.