ShiraokaJinja #Mercedes Talk

General Mercedes

How to Fund Mercedes with Additional 100b? I currently have a 1m range on my Mercedes, and I haven't bought any equip since pre Gollux, so currently, I have: Assorted Clean rings (from pre 2013) No Heart Clean Emblem Clean Badge No Face Accessory No Shoulder 21% Dex 24 Att Raccoon Mask 23% Dex (2 from neb) Greenbear pendant (Crafting one) in my additional pendant slot 29% (of which is 18% all and (2 from neb)) Fearless Pendant (another pre gollux pendant) 30% Dex 8 Star Tyrant Boots 20% Dex 7 Star Tyrant Belt 9% Dex 5 star Tyrant Cape Top 50 dojo gloves (Haven't Dojo or Boss since 2013 though) / Clean WG with SE neb 34%(4 from neb) Dex half earrings 15% CRA Hat, Top, Bottom (All 10 star with all slots scrolled) 30% Boss 40% Boss 9% Att Merc