General Fun

Whats your favourite LoL 2 man punch ? like duos Yeah , I am talking about 2 champions that work well together, so which 2 champion combination is your favourite? My most favourite that works in every game is probably Cho Gath and Ryze, those 2 champs works so well in 3 season of LoL, the reason is because they creates so much amounts of CC. Another of my favourite is Lee Sin and Kassadin, Lee can burst enemy down and slow them while Kassadin can comes in and do another burst dmg strikes, its so awesome, and my favourite botlane duo is Ezreal, Sona. How about ur favourites? :p

General Chat

What champs you hate/dislike in LoL? I never saw someone make this thread so I will create one, so yeah what champ in LoL you just hate it and don't like to play against? Those are the ones I don't like: Elise - She is like another Lee Sin with a lots of ability and so great at 1v1 , she can also build tanky and do alots of dmg, extremely anti-fun. Hecarim - He can carry the game buy him self if he gets fed early on then if he caught your adc and your adc doesn't have escape its gg. Jayce - This guy is basically free elo if you play him really well, all that shock blast to poke your team is too much. (i dislike Singed too he just keep split pushing and even if you beat him in lane he will still eventually catch up by farming, but yeah those


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