

Zzyncookie #Nightlord Talk

General Nightlord

To scroll, or not to scroll? Hello Basil. Today, I come to you with a simple question; should I, or should I not scroll my own claw. Due to me blowing up my 96 attack reverse lampion ( 2nd one >_>) with the first enhancement again, I find myself without a claw. Currently, I have about 1.1b to spend, but I know that's not going to get me the 90+ attack lampion I want, and I can't find any good, affordable claws in the Beran FM atm either, except for some really expensive ones ( 103 atk sleeve by Angelism, that 105 atk timeless floating around somewhere), and hacked ones ( 87 att 2 slots craven by lukboost, but enhanced 7-8 times, and a 86 atk sleeve with 7 enhances) So naturally, I'm going to make some more money first before anything,