

Biology question

The question is:

Which of the following has a better resolution limit?

Fluorescence microscopy (green light, 530 nm), air objective (n = 1.0) with an NA = 1.21
Fluorescence micrsocopy (red light, 605 nm), oil objective (n=1.3), with an NA = 1.41
Fluorescence microscopy (far-red light, 655 nm), oil objective (n=1.3) with an NA = 1.45

How do I begin to solve the question? Cuz the objective lens is different from the NA how do I take that into account?

October 4, 2014

2 Comments • Newest first


I'd say just plug it into the resolution equation? I don't think objective matters, but I could be wrong.

I know resolution is proportional to wavelength/NA... but your medium (i.e. oil/air) is factored into NA, so I don't think you need both values.

I checked my notes and we used D = (0.61lambda)/(Nsinalpha) for our cell bio course (Nsinalpha is equal to NA).

Reply October 5, 2014

pls help aznseal ):

Reply October 5, 2014