
How are people getting 2k V Coins?

Event has been going for like 10 days, you get 30 coins per day, plus 250 from V tracker and some from Hot day... That still doesn't equal 2k. How are people getting them so fast??

December 10, 2016

3 Comments • Newest first


Farming the santa boxes. I got around 1000 on 1x drop from 5 runs of DIPQ. Got like 300-400 coins from that. Other people definitely farmed more

Reply December 10, 2016

the cap was only implemented 1 day after release, on 4x drop you could get 300 boxes per dipq
farming the boxes was not hard at all
even now, you can go over the 10 cap sometimes

Reply December 10, 2016

It's called cheating! DEAL WITH IT!

Reply December 10, 2016