

Ways to increase my range?

Here is the equips I have now:
Clean Raven Horn Chaser Hat Unique
Clean Raven Horn Chaser Armor Unique
Raven Horn Chaser Gloves 8 Atk Unique 6%Luk 6%Dex
Clean Raven Horn Chaser Cape Unique 6% Dex
Clean Raven Horn Chaser Shoes 4atk Unique 9%Luk 12%Dex
Quality Purple Mask 1 Atk No Pot
Half Earrings +10Luk Epic 6%Luk
Veteran Crusader Shoulder 4 Atk
Evo Ring 3 lv9
Absoulte Ring
Tempest Ring 6% Luk
Pinnacle Ring 6% Luk
Tempest Pendant 6%Luk 3%Dex
Tempest Belt 6%
Raven Horn Baselard 182 Atk 1 star Unique 15%Luk
Raven Horn Shadow Katara 105 Atk Unique 6%Dex
Cygnus Awakening Medal
Lets say I have a 1bil budget and Im level 167. How can I most effectively raise my range.
My current range now is 59k~66k self buffed and 52k~58k clean range.
Thank you for helping a fellow mapler out!

October 5, 2013

6 Comments • Newest first


I agree with @MatanBachar5 about getting Link Skills. I have all of them and 4 set emp and 9% luk ring, 6% luk pendant, 6% luk belt, 3% luk shoulder, and 96 att raven horn katara, oh an clean helisium thief cape and every link skill possible and I have just under your range almost fully buffed (no level 200 10% damage buff). And on bosses I do 400k fully buffed with phantom blow and 1.3m with asura (cut in half with bosses like RA, Hilla, Emp, etc. but full on Zak and HT) and I have 30% boss damage, 15 of which is from Demon Slayer Link and the rest from Character Cards, and 107% PDR (Leafre Set, 50 from PB w/ hyper, 10 from Luminous Link, and idk where the rest came from lol ).

So yeah I would

a) Get link skills
b) Get 3 Rank S Character Card Decks if you don't already have them
c) merch your way up to faf and then try getting some nova if you don't want to spend mesos or tyrant if you have the mesos and then enhance, pot, etc.

This way you get all the free stuff you can do out of the way and I am sure they will always continue to help you even as your range gets more and more godlier XD

Reply October 19, 2013

for 1b
Get 12%Luk Earrings = 500-750m
9% Tempest Belt - 150m
9% Tempest Pendant - 150m

It'd be wise if you just save up though

Reply October 13, 2013

Ik you cant do this right now, but once the other characters are creatable again id go and get a xenon, da, kanna, and a lumi (that is for enemy ignore, wont increase damage but will make you do more) and get them to 120 for link skills.

Reply October 5, 2013

If NX isn't an issue, stock up on desirable Chaos Scrolls and use those with whatever shield/guardian/whatnot scrolls on your clean equips, whenever those become available next.

Reply October 5, 2013

[quote=joe7890]Upgrade to fafnir and tyrant[/quote]

You realize he said he has a 1bil budget. Where might he find those for 1bil?

Reply October 5, 2013

Upgrade to fafnir and tyrant

Reply October 5, 2013