

Self-Study Ap Classes

Have any basilers done this before?
I'm considering doing self-study on Psychology and maybe Biology or Human Geography.

August 5, 2014

9 Comments • Newest first


The main question then lies, which is when and how did you start the skip ? I live in California, atm, and i'm interested to know The information you gave me is quite obvious. I'm taking a guess that you live in Illinois ?

Reply August 7, 2014

@superswift12: K so in my district if you score high enough on both Map/Isat/explore test and if you were in algebra 2 in your 8th grade year they automatically bump you up.

Reply August 7, 2014

[quote=vivek234]Well I'm doing AP Calculus in freshman year but I'm kinda worried about this self-study and the fact that my teacher is terrible...[/quote]
dude VivAek Telgu How are you so smart then ? Like care to explain..
Just tell me how you got into AP Calculus in the very first place ?

Reply August 7, 2014

@superswift12: Yah first time in high school I hate being really really smart...

Reply August 7, 2014

[quote=vivek234]Well I'm doing AP Calculus in freshman year but I'm kinda worried about this self-study and the fact that my teacher is terrible...[/quote]
In high school ? O.o

Reply August 6, 2014

[b]do. not. self. study. the. exam. for. bio.[/b]

ap biology is a very challenging, two semester long class; it goes so in depth that you cannot physically learn all of the information in order to do well. and unless youve reviewing and [b]understanding[/b] the concepts every single day for a whole year, then there's no way you can pass; it's not feasible.

you need to take the class and do the labs, otherwise you'll get completely destroyed by the exam. do not waste your time trying.

Reply August 5, 2014

Well I'm doing AP Calculus in freshman year but I'm kinda worried about this self-study and the fact that my teacher is terrible...

Reply August 5, 2014

Calc AB cause our teacher split his time teaching AP and IB material.
Stats is extremely easy
I've also heard psychology is easy as well

Reply August 5, 2014

psychology and stats i did on my own

5 and 4 respectively

you really just got to stick with it

Reply August 5, 2014