

Top tier Ap champs in league

I main Teemo and Yorick, they're both fun to play as but I want to play someone different for ranked. Give me the best AP champs for season 3 so far

August 5, 2013

27 Comments • Newest first


As in Top champions? or top tier champions? Either way, TF, Rumble, Kassadin, Karthus, Ziggs, Syndra. Can't really think of any more at the moment.

EDIT: Annie, Ori, Kennen

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

Most of the Teemos I've seen are SO BAD.. And feed like no tomorrow..
Tbh, there's nothing more I hate than Teemo on LoL.. Whenever I have him on the team, I mostly lose. And when enemy has a Teemo they're always the better one..
So I said to myself "Whenever I see a Teemo from now on, I'm F'ing dodging" >.> Damn Teemos hope this Yordle gets exterminated.


Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

These are the AP Champs I like, especially if you can play them correctly:

Melee: Fizz, Akali, Katarina, Diana and Kassadin
Ranged: Lux, Twisted Fate, Ahri, Orianna, Ryze

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

[quote=magisjay]If you want to win: Kass.
If you want to help the team: Orianna.
If you want damage: Akali. Some people say Katarina but I believe Akali is a lot easier.
If you know how to play: Twisted Fate.
If you want something good overall: Lux and Ahri are the safest.
If you want to stomp lane: [b]Talon[/b]. Level 6 and you'll kill any[b]one[/b] .[/quote]


Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

If you want to win: Kass.
If you want to help the team: Orianna.
If you want damage: Akali. Some people say Katarina but I believe Akali is a lot easier.
If you know how to play: Twisted Fate.
If you want something good overall: Lux and Ahri are the safest.
If you want to stomp lane: Zed. Level 6 and you'll kill any ap mid laner.

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

I've never played Kennen, so I can't really tip into that, nor have I seen a well fed Kennen, just the ones that rage...


Anyway, Kassadin is very dangerous in the mid lane post-6. Keep in mind, your team has to perform not terribly worse than the other team. I have carried as Kassadin, but only when I was lvl 14 or so. He doesn't have a stun, but his Ult, silence, and slow combo/burst is almost good enough. Keep in mind that it's best to assassinate the opposing APC, considering his Q and passive. Not a lot of champions counter him, besides Fizz, Heimerdinger (still OP IMO), Teemo, and any AD champion. If he is countered, try to roam a bit and get a few kills on bot and top, and even though you may be losing your lane, make sure top and bot isn't. He is capable of counter the more famous (not sure if it's the right word) champions, such as Katarina, Ryze, Annie, Ahri, Xerath, TF, Orianna, etc.


Not played TF, but I can sorta get into TF players' shoes. Even though their yellow card sorta got nerf/more difficult to use, doesn't exactly mean he's worse. You can just harass by LOOKING like you're about to poke and not actually poke (See yellow card.) Plus, his passive is sorta better or worse depending how you look at it. I honestly think he's Q can be difficult to land, due to it being a skill shot and the cards spread out the longer they travel, and his R can be a bit tricky as it all depends on timing and map awareness, but like all assassins, if you master him, it's gonna be worth it.


As someone mentioned, Veigar does has amazing burst. Considering his Ult counts toward his AP and the target's AP, he can out damage other APC, and his passive makes him stay in lane a bit longer. Only problem is his only CC is a bit short. (yes it was a short joke )

Edit: Wait, you main Yorick and Teemo? Like that's not cheating at all.

Edit 2:


Xerath has some pretty good poking ability, but I'm not sure how well he does in team fights. His CC is a bit tricky, but I think he can do some pretty good damage.


Ahri has good poking aswell, and her Charm can be dangerous ( and a tad bit confusing to me. What if she uses it on another female champion?)


Seriously? No AP mid? Just chuck some spears and you pretty much have free wards.

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

main teemo? lmao

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

[quote=ZOMGitjon]have you tried dragon knight?[/quote]

This is not funny.

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

TF (heavily depends on communication, would not recommend in soloq)
Kennen (mostly top lane though)
Orianna (depends on how good you are at timing and placing your ult)
Kassadin (hard to lock down, easy to disengage and reengage at your whim)

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

Twisted Fate
Orianna (I recommend this)
Veigar (Brilliant in ranked. Can burst down an ad carry instantly late game)
Pretty much any ap champion with a good aeo or strong burst/harass potential
I would recommend Galio.. but.. only if riot increases his ult taunt duration >.<

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

[quote=askmiller3]i really don't buy any of that about orianna being really good. Don't get me wrong, she's certainly a good champion, but I don't see any more potential in her kit than any other. If the people who are really good with her were equally as good with a different champion, they would have the same results from what i've seen.[/quote]

I do. As far as AP casters go, her kit has a great level of utility that comes with great damage to back it up. It's the utility factor that makes her an interesting addition to the team and so potentially deadly.

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

Kennen, Ryze, Elise, Orianna, and lastly Twisted Fate.

Twisted Fate and is ulti will always be OP unless dealt with otherwise. Elise has too much damage for lack of AP items; has a stun and a assassinate also. Kennen wins lane and stomps team fights pretty well. Ryze. well facesmash keyboard at mid game to win game. Orianna because her mid-late game is very strong with A LOT of utility. I would say kassadin but his early game is too risky (considering this is pro play, not rank, otherwise he is very good.)

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

It really depends on your rating and skill level. Below are just some of my favorites. EVERY champion is strong and capable in their own ways, and the pick is seriously dependent on the player.

Kassadin (as many have previously mentioned) is insanely strong post-6, but his early laning phase is a lot harder compared to other champions.

Ahri is a very strong pick if you know her skill set well, and have a good sense of positioning. She's not as hard to play as someone like Xerath, and has a lot of potential.

Orianna brings a lot of utility to the team, and deals quite a bit of damage, all game. Her ultimate is game changing when used correctly.

Katarina is a great idea if you're at a lower rating. She has amazing potential, and is extremely scary if played correctly. What's more, people under Gold seem to not know how to CC her out of Death Lotus.

Twisted Fate. I can't express how much I HATE that champion, both playing as and against. However, he IS very strong with his ultimate. The downside to playing TF is that you are VERY team reliant (pray that your teammates at least have a brain), which is not usually something you can count on in Solo-Queue.

Lux is still my favorite by far, despite being nerfed a few months back. She brings a lot of utility to the team (albeit not as much as Orianna), can easily burst down a squishy enemy at all stages of the game, and can poke very effectively. Despite having no hard CC, she is arguably one of the safest picks for the mid lane, since even though she doesn't really counter anyone, she doesn't get countered [b]IF PLAYED CORRECTLY.[/b]

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

I heard Orianna is really good if played well.
I personally hate playing her (played in aram)... REALLY HARD to control- but if you learn to play her she's apparently really OP. (As seen in some games)

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

if you're in low elo i'd recommend xerath since not many most don't know how to deal with him

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

You should main Evie. Drops heals for her team, has tons of damage on her Tier 4 abilities...

Wait, wrong game.

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited


Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

I've seen a lot of tournament worthy teams use Ahri to good success and her kit is excellent once mastered. Kassadin is a bit of a risk given how weak your early game is and it's somewhat more niche than other more traditional AP Champions.

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited


Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

If you want utility Orianna has the most and can deal the most damage if you use it right, and Kassadin is a nightmare to almost any AP mid too.

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

never seen a good kass in ranked >:. (gold atm )

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

Kass hands down. He's probably the toughest champion to lane against post-6.

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

I'm considering Kassadin

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

have you tried dragon knight?

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited

Twisted Fate

IMO, those are the hardest to counter unless you use one against the other.

Reply August 5, 2013 - edited