

About Arans vs. the other warrior

Ok probably people might be like "welcome to Maplestory" or be like "QQ you noob jelly of my damage?" etc. BUT this goes out for you Arans out there, I don't really care what you have to say about my damage please be thoughtful and like think before you start calling me noob about my damage cause:

1) I'm only half funded with empress gears with really crappy % Def pots,
2) you guys have ignore def that all other jobs do not have,
3) your reign as the most damage dealing is gonna come to an end once Kaiser is out...

So please don't make a snide, rude comment about my damage while you see me hunting. This post isn't to flame out about Arans or anything I have Aran friends who are not so snobby about their damage just have fun and don't be a jerk and happy holidays! ^^

P.S. Honest guys! No harsh feeling to you Arans just those FEW who are total jerks...

December 16, 2012

8 Comments • Newest first


Then the next few elitist warriors will also make fun of you. Haters gonna hate, just do what you want to do and enjoy doing it.

Reply December 16, 2012

Just wondering why you single out Arans. Surely, there are many people [different classes] who'll point out their superiority damage-wise.

Reply December 16, 2012

[quote=ImaClubYou]Arans aren't the strongest Warrior. We are pretty much the weakest.[/quote]

Well, in terms of dpm, yes, but we need comparatively little funding to hit cap, so in damagewise, we are strong

Reply December 16, 2012

Arans aren't the strongest Warrior. We are pretty much the weakest.

Reply December 16, 2012

Haha Shinku I agree with you man, but I noticed most of the arans i run into tend to make fun of my damage cause I have crappy potted gears...

Reply December 16, 2012

i was gonna be an ass, but you put this:

" P.S. Honest guys! No harsh feeling to you Arans just those FEW who are total jerks... "

i'm glad you're aware of that, i truly am.

Reply December 16, 2012

mmmm ok. Just ignore them and continue hunting

Reply December 16, 2012

The few that are total jerks would probably just laugh at this post. Most arans seem nice, they don't seem like an a-hole class like some others.

Reply December 16, 2012