


the guild gasm in khaini So as I'm sure all khaini players know, there is a somewhat large (but very crappy) guild named gasm. recently, i left gasm for another guild, cosmos (REPRESENT! hi coco) I was training in LHC with my party just a few moments ago when a few members of gasm show up (2 phantoms and a BaM) they begin to try and ks our map, with out much success. I politely ask them to leave "can you please CC? we have been here over 2 hours and are trying to level" than, one of the guys says that this was their channel now, and they would bring their whole alliance there to KS us. I saw this as an extreme over-reaction, and called his bluff on it. I was wrong...... the next thing i knew there were 11 members of gasm, and a fe

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