

Why am i so unlucky, seriously.

So a couple days ago on a school trip i sprained one of my ankles, not that big of a deal... i could still walk.

Today, i sprain my right wrist. Gosh. I sure as hell ain't doing PE for a while.

So Basilers, anything unlucky happened to you recently?

(Ps: Why was Basil lagging so much a couple minutes ago)

October 11, 2011

14 Comments • Newest first


@iMelXP From experience, when unluck hits you often, something GOOD happens instead of something bad I don't know about you though

OT: Sprained my ankle on a 30 mins Coopers Test, face planted in dirt, slipped in the shower and broke my right arm after the coopers test and later that day I didn't have any Jell-O. Which frankly seen... just sucked for me >_> Btw this happened like... 1½ months ago?

Reply October 13, 2011

@Anyone Am alive. For now.
@Darklaser7 True that. He WAS being an asshole.
@Jezz Ow.
@Reapinator It's kind of his own fault, he should add more security to his stuff. Also, i guess i don't have much to say about the last thing except i kinda walk weirdly sometimes too.

Reply October 11, 2011 - edited

It's been really lucky lately for me. On pretty much everything. I mean I must have done something right to deserve this, or I'm being prepped for something really bad to happen.

Reply October 11, 2011 - edited

Just finished making a hard test on my laptop when I lost internet connection, so my score wasn't submitted. Out of anger I broke my headphones.
To lazy to buy a new one.

Reply October 11, 2011 - edited

Today at PE while I was running a mile. I raced against this boy and he beat me to the race because I tripped. When I tripped I fell on a syringe thats been infected with AIDS. I lost the race and I have AIDS now. </3

Reply October 11, 2011 - edited

@PIaguedwind: Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me for not being a grammar pro, i'm French...

Reply October 11, 2011 - edited

@Reapinator: "Almost". Imo, it's good luck since it didn't break. As for constantly losing money, care to go deeper? Because if it's gambling, then i'm not caring.

Reply October 11, 2011 - edited

@SoyMlkIsGood For the ankle, i was just randomly walking in the grass and somehow slipped. As for the wrist, some asshole was playing Real Football while we were playing Touch (we had no equipement).

@Reapinator Care to go deeper?

Reply October 11, 2011 - edited

Nothing really unlucky has happened to me recently but i did fall into a lake before.

Reply October 11, 2011 - edited

I believe you've been in contact with me in one way or another, for I am not just unlucky, I am Unlucky.

Reply October 11, 2011 - edited

[quote=SoggyToast]everything that has happened to me was my fault

so I wouldn't call it luck[/quote]

My right wrist was a dumbass's fault

Reply October 11, 2011 - edited

everything that has happened to me was my fault

so I wouldn't call it luck

Reply October 11, 2011 - edited