

Special Nodes for Kannas

Hello friends. I'm sure many of you have been looking through the nodecrafting menu. I want to run a few ideas by everyone. Obviously it's good to max out Yuki as fast as possible, but I was thinking of getting some Special Nodes first. Unfortunately, I'm not 100% sure with how they work. Here are a couple that I think would be extremely useful. Keep in mind that we can only have 1 special node equipped.

- Any of the decents (except for SI cause probably not worth)
- Comeback I and II: Reduce remaining CD of all skills by 20/30% upon death / Activates once every 60 seconds
- Grit I: Reduces remaining CD of all skills by 25% every 100 hits / Act once per 30 s
- Auto Recovery I and II: Fully recovers HP every 20/30 seconds when a skill is used

I think that Grit fits in extremely well with our playstyle as we are limited by long CDs for yuki, princess vow, etc. Having as much uptime as possible for Yuki is probably the biggest change to playstyle as it's simply too good. The 50% mana cost reduction and lifesteal is huge, especially on new Hmag. Also bind duration would be significantly reduced. Same concept for Comeback, however, I am unsure of how Comeback I works vs. II. Is it that we need to equip I in order to equip II? They cost the same to make so I'm not too sure there. For some bosses where there's a high chance of death, the comeback CDR seems pretty decent.
Auto-recovery is great for when we spam mana balance and heal/yuki is on cd.

Let me know what your guys' thoughts are!

December 17, 2016

7 Comments • Newest first


Yea, mana overload goes away when your health falls below a threshold (2%?), so you can't let your hp dip too low.

I'm also waiting to for node prices to drop so I can just buy my 5th job skill. I estimate you need about 400-500 of the nodestones to max it, and I don't have the patience to farm that many

Reply December 20, 2016 - edited

Mana Overload is great, but sometimes disappears on me in dojo. At the rate that nodes are dropping, it'll be a hella long time before we can max yuki. I'm hoping the prices drop like in KMS to 5m/node

Reply December 20, 2016 - edited

@ninjaoftennis looks like you're right, it looks like it uses 1% hp per attack. Skills that attack quickly like shikigami haunting will drain your health really fast. However, Vanquishers Charm will only drain your health of 1% on first cast, and holding it down doesn't use anymore of your hp.

Reply December 19, 2016 - edited

@loxiona: Mana Overload seems to use HP for Kannas instead.

Reply December 19, 2016 - edited

@conceit ah, i'll have to go check that out.

Another useful node is mana overload, a node for all magicians. I believe it uses a little mp every second or something for regular mages and gives you 8% final damage at lvl 1 (10% at lvl 20), but for kannas it doesn't appear to use any of our mana at all.

Reply December 18, 2016 - edited

@loxiona: on an added note, Tengu is great on Western Path 2 which seems to be the map of choice to farm at in arc riv

I crafted Grit to try it out, but the effects aren't procing so feelsbadman.

Reply December 17, 2016 - edited

Special nodes are pretty cool but some of the KMS players who have had 5th job a while have largely considered them useless, and I agree for the most part. They're also temporary and you get 50 shards for disassembling. Decent skills are good.

I was thinking of probably working on boosting vanquishers and working on yuki a little later or at the same time. Boosting vanquishers charm is a very large dps boost and not as expensive to get, whereas yuki isn't quite as drastic between lvl 1 and lvl 25, just duration and cd changes and a bit more damage.

Something i've been struggling with is figuring out what mobbing skill to boost. I was initially looking at spirit corral, but I'm leaning towards tengu strike because of its speed and lower mana usage.

Reply December 17, 2016 - edited