
What professions to choose on main character?

Hi, I was just wondering which professions I should choose on my main character? What would be best in your opinion? You can learn 3 different professions right? i was just a bit confused because when speaking to one of the NPC's at Ardentmill he said that you can learn two professions but on the next screen he said three.
Thank you.

December 29, 2014

5 Comments • Newest first


Thank you, I think I'll go with alchemy, mining and herbalism on my main. i'll try that first.
A while ago (maybe a year or two) I remember crafting rings and quite often I would get rings with potential, like every other ring. Is that still possible? I crafted 10 rings and got nothing.
Then i would combine two at a time and see if they would turn into one good ring, I would also destroy equips and get crafting materials. All on the same character, is this not possible now? Maybe I'm remembering wrong.

Reply December 29, 2014

if it's your main that does bossing, u'd want alchemy for dual pots: (2 of the 3) Boss%Atk%PDR%.
Smithing if you want to make cubes to cube your equips instead of spend nx.
jeweler if you'd want to craft shoulders to sell [meisters]

Reply December 29, 2014

I like alchemy because of giant potions

Reply December 29, 2014

I think you can learn Mining and Herbalism like regardless, but then you can only choose one of the others.

Reply December 29, 2014

Most people choose Alchemy because they can use 2 pots, but I'm pretty w/e on the case.
You can choose both first-tier professions (Herbalism and Mining) as well as one second-tier profession (Alchemy, Accessory Crafting, Smithing)

Reply December 29, 2014