

Your Favorite Type of Weather

The poll is about your favorite season, but I'd like you to describe a specific occurrence in the weather of your favorite season that you look forward to every year. Also, tell us about your favorite month.

For example, my favorite season is summer, my favorite month is June, and I find that sudden afternoon thunderstorms in the summer are the best things ever. They leave the hot asphalt with that rainy smell once the storm subsides, and it seems that because its summer people can stop what they're doing while its pouring outside. I like to open a window and listen to this recording during these storms too:

April 13, 2012

4 Comments • Newest first


I like it when it's cloudy. No sunlight, but it's still bright.
Or seeing the sunlight while the clouds are clearing out.

Reply April 13, 2012

Spring, right before Summer.

I like a sunny Spring morning with a slight constant breeze, dew on grass with an average of at least 50 to 65 degrees F.

Reply April 13, 2012

Autumn because I like the smell of the leaves ^.^ And it's so beautiful.

I'd love to have my wedding under the trees during Autumn

Reply April 13, 2012

OMG you totally stole this from me

Reply April 13, 2012