
Brown Magic Powders worth anything?

So these are really hard to get now considering they don't seem to drop from mining rocks, and you can't buy bronze ores anymore from the npc. I found 500 of them on a mule and was just wondering if they're worth anything now? is there anything even worth crafting that needs brown powders?

April 10, 2015

4 Comments • Newest first


step one: get 3 pets
step 2: get a ton of bags ready
step 3: poop

Reply April 10, 2015

[quote=Avatar]Only the white ones.[/quote]

you mean purple? they go for 300k ea in scania

Reply April 10, 2015

They're used to make giant pots. I usually buy them for 200k each.

Reply April 10, 2015

Only the white ones.

Reply April 10, 2015