

Kanna weapon att multiplier?

Why are the base MA of fans lower than that of fans if Kanna's fan is a 2h weapon?
Can someone tell me what the multiplier is for fans and how it compares relatively to staffs/wands?

February 27, 2013

6 Comments • Newest first


Kanna can't equip 2 fans but she can equip one and Haku can equip one. So for the most part she has 2 2h weapons instead of a secondary. That said many people have been trying to determine which potentials apply from the fan Haku can equip as not all do, So far it seems boss damage and crit are out while %hp/mp %matk %int are in as well as all the flat pots like +int dex str. Some of the ones that haven't been determined are %total damage and %pdr. We shall see how they handle it in GMS.

Reply February 27, 2013

The [url=]update notes[/url] say that she has no secondary weapon/shield, and from the small bit of experience I have from playing Kanna while I was in Japan, I'm pretty sure she can't equip 2 fans. I know for a fact that Hayato has his sword sheath as a secondary weapon/shield thing. As for the multiplier... I have no idea.

Reply February 27, 2013

@darkspawn980: According to the site and what I've read before, Fans are apparently a two-handed weapon? If warriors have a better multiplier for having a two-handed weapon, then maybe Kanna does too. I really have no idea though, never played JMS or done much research.

Reply February 27, 2013

@timdhong: yeah, just calling it to your attention.

i believe kanna's can equip two fans, so that might be the reason, unfortunately i don't know the multiplier, and i'm unsure about the 2-fan thing, so i can't help much

Reply February 27, 2013

[quote=darkspawn980]"Why are the base MA of [b]fans [/b] lower than that of [b]fans [/b]"

errrr.... what?[/quote]

Apologies, although I still think you could have made a reasonable guess at what I meant, it should have been "lower than that of staves."

Reply February 27, 2013

"Why are the base MA of [b]fans [/b] lower than that of [b]fans [/b]"

errrr.... what?

Reply February 27, 2013