

General Chat

Weird tension/discomfort on the area above my eyebrows So I've had this strange discomfort, pain, or tension in my forehead area for more than 7 months now (can't remember when it started exactly). It's not all the time, but rather it occurs in episodes throughout the day. Sometimes the episodes are mild, but sometimes (less frequently) they are very noticeable and causes me much discomfort. I've read that it could be either eye strain, jaw misalignment with braces (I got my braces put on in May, so almost a year I've had them now), not enough oxygen throughout the day (seems unlikely), or sleep deprivation. I'm not ruling out any other possible reason, but those are the ones that I know of. EDIT: It feels like it's skin-bone deep, rather t

General Chat

Any good headsets that have good mic sound and good sound? Are there any good headsets that have a decent or good mic sound and also have p nice sound for music with a nice, subtle feelable bass? I was thinking about either the [url=]Razer Carcharias PC Headset[/url] or the [url=]SADES SA-708 Headset[/url], but I'm not perfectly sure if they'll fit my needs. Preferably a price under $100.

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