

What to eat after wisdom teeth removal

So, I got my wisdom teeth out and I had to say that I felt a lot of the drilling and actual removing of my teeth as they had to break one of tooth into three pieces before taking it out. Now with the stitches in and the swelling I don't know what to eat. Any suggestions appreciated

September 11, 2015

20 Comments • Newest first


@calusblade: That's what they did with me. Two shots in the top, two shots in the bottom (for each side), wait for it to be numb and then they started drilling out the bottom one by breaking it into half (it was lying down horizontally the asshole). I cracked jokes during the whole ordeal these doctors were so confused.

Reply September 13, 2015

ahh. I remember when I had my surgery..
It was before I went into grade ten. I couldn't eat anything for a solid week, and my swelling didn't go down for two weeks. I watched them do it too..
My mouth was just cut up, no pulling or drilling sounds whatsoever. o:
No straws! :C uhm. Liquidy/mushy stuff. Mush up fruit, have soup and stuff. Don't sneeze either. >:C tis no good.
Maybe even break pieces of bread and stick it into the soup and yah eat it.
Ice cream! It might even help ease some of your pain.

Reply September 13, 2015 - edited

[quote=skyenets]Wow your timing for this thread is absolutely amazing. I had mine removed just the other day. Had the bottom ones broken in half because those assholes were lying down. The first two (right side, 2 weeks ago), I had quite a bit of swelling. The issue wasn't so much the swelling as it was me not being able to open my mouth enough to put food in it. I ate a lot of pudding which I absolutely did not mind. Drinking I did through straws which went just fine. Though honestly the first day I ate hamburgers with ease.

The second two (left side, 2 days ago), I just ate whatever. The first day I didn't go out of my way to eat something too complicated but it wasn't something liquid or particularly easy to eat either. No swelling on this side and I can open my mouth pretty normally, so I just eat what I want.[/quote]

It really depends. For me they butchered my wisdom tooth...crack, snapple, pop is what I was hearing when they started. They didn't put me to sleep, just numbed me to a point where I couldn't feel my face.

Reply September 13, 2015 - edited

Wow your timing for this thread is absolutely amazing. I had mine removed just the other day. Had the bottom ones broken in half because those assholes were lying down. The first two (right side, 2 weeks ago), I had quite a bit of swelling. The issue wasn't so much the swelling as it was me not being able to open my mouth enough to put food in it. I ate a lot of pudding which I absolutely did not mind. Drinking I did through straws which went just fine. Though honestly the first day I ate hamburgers with ease.

The second two (left side, 2 days ago), I just ate whatever. The first day I didn't go out of my way to eat something too complicated but it wasn't something liquid or particularly easy to eat either. No swelling on this side and I can open my mouth pretty normally, so I just eat what I want.

Reply September 12, 2015 - edited

applesauce, blended food, mashed potatoes,a nd your tears as you cry over your inability to eat solid food

Reply September 12, 2015 - edited

soups with tiny pastas that are small enough to go down the throat without you choking. I ate like a duck for a good week or so.

Reply September 12, 2015 - edited

I basically drank Starbucks frappuccinos with a spoon for the entire week.

Reply September 12, 2015 - edited

why eat applesauce? its so high in sugar

Reply September 12, 2015 - edited

Yeah, anything liquidy, although it's recommended you wait a day or so before you eat anything really hot as the heat can cause the bleeding to start back. Also don't drink from a straw for a while (I forgot how long, I want to say... a week?) as the sucking motion can remove the blood clot and start the bleeding again, or worse, pull out the stitches.

I mostly ate jello, applesauce, ice cream and later ramen.

Reply September 12, 2015 - edited

eat some sardines cause u need some brain food after loosing all that wisdom contained in you're tteth

Reply September 12, 2015 - edited

go for some steak, u deserve it

Reply September 12, 2015 - edited

I remember when I got mine all pulled, I ended up eating solid food the second day or so (though I probably shouldnt have been </3). Yogurt, pudding, ice cream, soup, apple sauce, smoothies, anything liquidy

Reply September 12, 2015 - edited

I had oatmeal for pretty much every meal, it sucked.

Reply September 12, 2015 - edited

I had those meal replacement powder drinks (similar to protein shakes) for the first few days.
Afterwards I had mostly congee and other soft food like it.

The main thing to keep in mind is to avoid using the muscles around your mouth too much (sucking a straw for example), you do not want a dry socket--read up on it if you must, pretty sure your doctor mentioned this to you though.

Reply September 12, 2015 - edited

I was such a wuss when mine was pulled. I didn't really follow the instruction of keeping the pad of cloth on the spot, thus it bled for the whole day instead of just a few hours. Scared the snot out of me seeing all the blood that I was spitting on the sink.

Anyways I was paranoid after that and took caution on what I ate or anything that gets on my mouth. I just ate ice cream.

Reply September 12, 2015 - edited

anything that's not solid (yogurt, applesauce, soups, fruit puree, etc..)
Also, try not to hurt yourself

Reply September 11, 2015 - edited

Mashed potatoes, jello, apple sauce, chicken noodle soup
It's not so bad, you'll make it

Reply September 11, 2015 - edited

Jello, applesauce, yogurt, oatmeal...

Tbh, I didn't want to eat anything after getting my teeth pulled; it was too painful and everything tasted gross. I just sipped on juice and fasted. </3

Reply September 11, 2015 - edited

Soup, anything liquidy. DO NOT USE A STRAW TO DRINK!

Reply September 11, 2015 - edited