

Potential to aim for?

How much %ATK is too much. I currently am sitting at 73% attack from Potentials. My secondary is only 6% and with DMT this weekend, I think I can hit at least 9% but hoping for 15%? I also need to repot my Main bpot to replace 13% TD with at least 13% ATK (using Terminus).

I have Boss and ATK (13) in main weapon, but may think of going for 2-3 lines of boss or 2 lines boss/1 PDR, even 2 lines PDR and 1 line boss is good. I can get 20-30% add. boss from Inner since I cleared up from using Terminus for speed. Only thing I need is a BT for Crit rate (hopefully they open) to get close to 100%.

So if I hit at least 1 more line of boss, I will be around 216% boss. Is that enough with like 90% atk for a Xenon.

July 22, 2016

1 Comment • Newest first


If you want to see actual damage ranges (though may be inaccurate for Xenons and Demon Avengers) use this as well.

Reply July 22, 2016